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Meet the man at the heart of the mess. John and his brother Joseph Corson were the two family members that first abandoned Leol, leaving him unable to cook, get to doctor appointments, or pay his mortgage payment or utility bills. They even left Leol without food on their way out. 

December 2020 update: Jayson and Kerstin have left town, leaving Leol back in the care the two sons who first abandoned him, and now they have caused even more damage to Leo by placing him into a nursing homel!

Having regained Power of Attorney over Leol Corson, John Corson has taken his father Leol Corson to the Dionne Commons nursing home in Brunswick. From what we've learned, this was against Leol's will, and John deceived Leol into going by pretending he was taking Leol to a doctor's appointment!

See John's Doctor's Note

In a failed attempt to wiggle his way out of testifying, John sent in a doctor's note to excuse him from appearing. He was almost arrested for contempt.

Download John's Deposition

Read John's full deposition transcript depicting his story about what happened to his father's finances. How does this compare to what you've heard?

Listen to John's Testimony

John Corson also had to testify about his behavior in our 3 day trial. Hear the full testimony and his many lies in this downloadable MP3 file.

What about Joseph Corson?

Although Joseph had an important role in his departure from Leol's home, many of the events happened during the time he was in prison for this...


  John stole over $140,000 from his father

In his deposition, John acknowledged under oath the following: 

Q: Were you aware if whether at some point in time the property, the house at 1913 Bristol Road was owned by your father free and clear? 

A: No. He had a mortgage. He did not own the house.

Q: And were any of your debts consolidated with that payoff? 

A: He did put some of it in there... that - and that's some of it, yes.

And then Leol Corson confirmed these details further, stating in his own sworn deposition testimony the following about John Corson:

Q: You mentioned that you took out the mortgage to pay off a -- some credit cards of John's. Is that something he asked you to do? 

A: Well, kind of, yes. 

Q: I think you said that the mortgage you took out to pay off John's credit cards was about $141,000?

A. Yes.

Q: And can you tell me about when you took out that most recent mortgage: 

A: I'm trying to think. Can't give you an exact date. It was when my son John had about six or seven credit cards and I remortgaged the property to bail him out.

John's Theft
John Corson of New Harbor Maine

John Corson of 58 Pemaquid Villas, Pemaquid Maine. Mention this webpage when you see him at your local New Harbor grocery store or  Dee's Variety!

"It was John's Sudden departure that triggered the family emergency out of which the real estate transaction arose." - Court's Decision

To this day, John Corson has not reimbursed to his father estate.  Had Leol not assisted with John's debts, the financial crisis would not have happened when John left the home. Leol would have been living in his home, paid for free and clear


Instead, Leol went after the Becks instead of recognizing his own son's actions.

Abuse of POA

  John abuses his of Power of Attorney over Leol

John Corson had been his father's Power of Attorney for quite some time. However, our trial helped to identify exploitative behavior from John and how he would limit his father's interactions. These include: 

  • John Corson would often limit who his father had contact with, so that Leol could only communicate with those John wanted him to communicate with. 

  • John would section off areas of the property to restrict Leol's use of his own property (see image to the right).

  • John also took away Leol's ability to drive, despite Leol having an active drivers license. (see audio below)

  • 2020 Update - John has also now used his Power of Attorney to place his father into a nursing home, against his will. 

John Corson admits abuse of POA
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Refusal to Testify

  John's attempts to avoid being a witness.

John Corson tried fervently to conceal the truth. When invited to give an oral deposition regarding his father's claims against the Becks, he simply refused to appear during his scheduled appointment. Later he supplied a list of excuses to the Beck's attorney - and when those failed he provided the following document - his attempt at a doctor's note, excusing him from participation. 

Upon a reminder that his refusal to participate would be contempt of court and could lead to his arrest, John reluctantly agreed to be deposed. Real his full deposition transcript here

If he supposedly did nothing wrong, wouldn't he want to testify against those who allegedly exploited his own father? 

<-- Click to view a larger image

"Honest people don't hide their deeds."

- Emily Bronte

  The family argument leading to John moving out.

As mentioned on Leol's page, John Corson was the central figure behind the developments leading to the Beck's purchase of the Bristol property - His own sons left him alone and without food, financial help, or transportation.


Yet John's testimony in his deposition and at trial was that Leol asked him to leave, which is simply untrue. These include: 

Elder Abandonment
John Corson says he was asked to leave
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John again says he was asked to leave
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And to take Joe and Liz with him
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Yet all other evidence illustrate that truth - John left suddenly, without warning after a family argument between him, his brother Joe and his father Leol Corson.

Leol admits John left very suddenly
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Becks got involved because of John's actions
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Joseph Corson of Bristol Maine
John Corson of Bristol Maine
Leol says John Corson can go to hell for what he did.
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<-- Click to view a larger image

This is further proof that Leol's sons left his suddenly, leaving Leol in a financial crisis.

Finally, the court's discussion on this as part of their decision

"It was John's Sudden departure that triggered the family emergency out of which the real estate transaction arose."

and also

"John reported that he could not take any more, that living with [Leol] was too hard, and that [Leol] was a mean SOB like his father. Joe and Lizzie, listening in on speaker phone, confirmed John's report."

Have you heard statements from the Corson's that differ?​


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